Stories Rita, Elias NisarisPublications Automon The idea for Rita came to me-as Ive written elsewhere-at the time I had something else in mind. Staring at the internet, I found a notice from the Site literary calling entries in a version with mikrodiigimata, with a limit of 127 words. As I think I did not have the necessary experience nor the necessary technique for this, I saw it as a challenge to try to write something so limited in extent. So I wrote the story about the guy who confesses his love to the wrong woman - I came, however, larger than the threshold was set. I tried to write something else, but even that was quite small in area. The thing is, and this second version had the same protagonist - a mysterious woman named Rita. It was then that I got the idea for the stories of Rita, a series of thirty stories, not necessarily with the same protagonist, but with the same name always present. I decided to write one every day and to post them on my blog ( Unemployed s, gave me the idea, very simply something to deal a challenge to have to deal and overcome every morning. The stories went on my blog from mid-November to mid-December 2013, but not in order to be read here. I hope you like them as much like me and the process of writing them. For this online edition I would like to thank Anthony Panoris (, John Adams (thanks to whom I learned the Automon and who first "planted" in my mind the idea of placing text over Internet and applications / e-books) and Jorn Hammerrat, who was the first to praise and wrote my first book and the project-like call-Rita.Happy reading! ... Elias Nisaris (literary pseudonym) was born in Holargos 1980.He began writing at an early age and in April 2013 he published his first novel, entitled "Greek Suffocation" (Editions colleagues).His writings have appeared in various print and electronic media (Fractal Press, Metropolis Press, days, the police of the novel "The Secret of Mordechai" published serially site "News of Belgium." Distributed freely-licensed Creative Commons:Report Creator - Noncommercial - Share Alike - 3.0 - Greece ----------------------------------- Development of Android application by Automon (Antonis Panoris):http://
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